Aichi Target 6:By 2020 all fish and invertebrate stocks and aquatic plants are managed and harvested sustainably, legall

Aichi Target 6:By 2020 all fish and invertebrate stocks and aquatic plants are managed and harvested sustainably, legally and applying ecosystem based approaches, so that overfishing is avoided, recovery plans and measures are in place for all depleted species, fisheries have no significant adverse impacts on threatened species and vulnerable ecosystems and the impacts of fisheries on stocks, species and ecosystems are within safe ecological limits

The development and adoption of the Aichi Target 6 as a national target addresses the issues of overexploitation of fisheries harvest and other aquatic organisms in inland and marine waters of Sudan. The selected target focuses on the sustainable management of fisheries to reduce the overexploitation of fisheries harvest and other water organisms that restores and relieves the pressure on biodiversity. Information on management and harvest rates of fresh and marine fish species, aquatic invertebrates and plants are lacking. Fisheries habitats are largely unmapped. The efforts to develop geospatial overlays of fisheries, critical habitat and marine protected areas are not tapped yet in the country.