Public Awareness about the importance of the Dinder National Park in local communities
The World Heritage Volunteers (WHV) initiative was conceived in 2007 in the framework of the UNESCO World Heritage Education Programme, to mobilize and involve youth and their organizations in heritage preservation and promotion. Annually 55 projects are selected from the world which organized by local organizations and NGOs.
In January 2014 the Sudanese Environment Conservation Society (SECS) have applied for the WHV’s 2014 campaign. SECS’s project- Public Awareness about the Importance of Dinder National Park- have been selected by the UNESCO World Heritage in March 2014. This WHV 2014 campaign aimed to:
- Raise awareness of local and international volunteers as well as the local communities about issues related to World Heritage, sustainable development and biodiversity; and put accent on activities in natural World Heritage sites;
- Integrate hands-on skills training activities on basic conservation and preservation techniques in WHV 2014 projects;
- Link-up with local youth organizations, the local communities, the site management, national and local authorities and establish cooperative relations and partnership with to improve project towards sustainable results;
- Share best practices for the development of non-formal education tools by documenting new approaches to promote World Heritage.
